Friday, March 27, 2015

My Special Lovable Bunny Friend

We use the position and orientation of our loveable bunny friend to play games. This allows children to keep playing with their dolls even when on the computer by using their doll as a controller of sorts.We also demonstrate how the orientation and position of a doll can be accurately tracked through accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer information.

Little children who play with dolls have to unfortunately put their toys down when accessing technology. With this, we enable children to not put down their toys even when on the computer. Furthermore, this allows them to bring their dolls into various realities and worlds as they play different games. The target audience is children.

Technical System
The YEI 3-Space sensor constantly takes down information on its three sensors. The accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope. We use serial communication to read the data and process it into position and orientation information on our loveable bunny. The sensor is hidden inside the bunny along with the microcontroller or bluetooth chip. These then send information to the computer or display where a game is visually shown and can be played through the orientation and position of the bunny.
The game we developed is a 3-D version of cube runner where a bunny can move in different directions depending on the orientation it is facing. The objective is to dodge cubes for as long as possible and it is built in Unity.

3-Space Sensor - $124 - ordered from eBay
Teensy - $24 - Teensy website
Arduino Kit - $85 - from the arduino website
Bluetooth Chip - $10 - eBay

Manufacturing Techniques
The only advanced technique we will use aside from using a breadboard to hook up wires together includes soldering pieces onto the sensor to establish a more stable connection.

Sensor was broken.
Unsteady connection - needs to be soldered.
None of the code snippets found and modified seem to work.
Solution - we will order another sensor; one that has a USB connection built in.

Division of Labor
Kevin - Assisted in building Unity game
         - Contributed to game design

Simon - Built game to be played via bunny in Unity
          - motivational support
Zach - getting the sensor data to work properly and connect with Unity
        - contributing to game design

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Homework 5

Part 1

What language is Processing based on?

In your own words, what is the difference between a global and a local variable?
A global variable can be accessed or modified anywhere in code. Local variables exist only within that scope and cannot be accessed through code outside that scope.

What data type does the draw() function return when it is called?
void. no return necessary.

In your own words, explain in detail what the code below the “//keep the circle in bounds” comment does
 if the top of the circle is above the top boundary or bottom of the circle is below the bottom boundary. reverse Y velocity.
Part 2

Part 3   etchasketch

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Homework 3

Homework 3

Part 1)
This tech can allow wheel chairs to recognize when a person is sitting properly on the seat or has fallen off and may be in danger.
It can also be used to measure the strength of a persons pulse to recognize when it is weaker than normal based on fluctuations read on the force sensitive resistor.

Part 2)

Voltage is not divided here because max voltage is only 2 Volts.

The designs using this sensor cannot take part in any quick reactive physical computing. Rather, it is more useful at making slow gradual adjustments, like adjusting flame in an oven based on the temperature.

One way to use this is to adjust light in a sunbathing capsule based on temperature.
Another way is to use these in fire detectors. When temperature hits a certain level that is dangerous, the fire alarm should sound.

Part 3)

Current going through the switch LED is limited by a 10kOhm resistor whereas the other LED is limited only by a 560Ohm resistor.

Current through the switch LED is 5/10000=.0005 Amps whereas current through the other LED is 5/560=.009 Amps

Part 4)

Sensitivity is much greater when the potentiometer resistance is turned to a minimum.

Part 5)