Part 1
Part 2
1) I would move the switch past the junction point along the 560 ohm resistor.
Wo when the switch is open, current can only flow through the 10kiloOhm resistor.
When the switch is closed, most of the current will flow through the 560 ohm resistor due to the significantly lower resistance.
Arguably no current goes through the 10kiloOhm resistor.
Part 3
1) 5 Volts, effectively no resistance means all of the voltage is left going back into the pin.
2) 0 Volts, all voltage is used up in the resistor.
3) 5kOhms because this evens out the current going into both sides, and since 10kOhms takes up all the voltage, 5kOhms will take up half as much voltage.
4) Because the LED faces the full force of voltage coming from pin5 since the resistor is located after.
In this situation, 5V / 4 results in a maximum voltage of 1.2V that will protect the LED from blowing.
Part 4
1) No, becuase the speaker has 8Ohms of resistance which limits the current and prevents a short circuit.
2) More current.
3) Yes.
Part 5
1) Switch the locations of the 10kOhm resistor and photoresistor. When light increases, resistance increases on the path going to ground, which means more current flows into the pin.
By the definition of interactivity, there is a cycle of exchange between me, the controller and the unstruments base note. As the instrument continues to play arpeggios, I adjust my input so that it adjusts it's output.
Critique: No cover. could be better on that aspect.
Critique: No cover. could be better on that aspect.